Orlando's favorite award winning recording studio. Specializing in audio recording, editing, mixing, and mastering.

At Phantom City Studio in Orlando, Florida, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional recording studio experience with a focus on innovation. Specializing in professional voice-over recording services, we extend our offerings to include recording, mixing, and mastering services for all audio. Ranked among Orlando, Florida's top recording studios with a notable history since 1999. Choose Phantom City Studio for professional studios with top-of-the-line equipment for VO, Audiobooks, Songs, Instruments, Video, and more!
Record Professionally at Phantom City Studio in Orlando, Fl. Combined with professionally treated rooms, Pro Tools Certified Engineers, and some of the finest recording studio equipment available. It’s no wonder Phantom City Studio is ranked the number one World-Class Mixing, and Mastering Recording Studio in Orlando, Florida. Phantom City Studio – Orlando’s top studio for professional and high quality sound recordings. Full Service, Professional, Studio Quality Sound, Effective, Fast, Flexible, Affordable! Call 407-876-9130
Thank you for making Phantom City Studio one of the best recording studios in Orlando, Fl.
- By appointment only. No walk-ins will be permitted entry. We value your privacy.

Recording / Mixing / Editing / Mastering / Music / Voiceovers / Audiobooks / Podcasts / Cover Songs / Demos

Our portfolio includes collaborations with major publishing companies, best selling authors, record labels, Grammy award-winning producers, best selling authors, notable recording artists, celebrities, music producers, and music companies across Florida, New York, California, and worldwide.
Voice Over Recording, Editing, and Mastering!
Voice Overs for Movies, Television, Video Games, Commercials, Audiobooks, Animation, and more.

If you're looking for a professional recording studio in Orlando, then Phantom City Studio is your best choice. Our recording studio offers some of the highest quality Recording, Mixing, and Mastering in Orlando, Florida.

By Appointment ONLY!
Great studio! Great staff! Enjoyed my experience here. I will return. 5 stars!